Welcome to Valupaedia!
Valupaedia, the first online business valuation lexicon (valupaedia.com), is the result of several years of intense work in generating and defining terminologies. The essence is to provide real-time access to knowledge, resources and thought-leadership in business valuation. Though focusing on business valuation, our target is the large communities of professionals, practitioners, academics, the business community, entrepreneurs, investors, and students across all fields who are directly or indirectly involved in or rely on business outcomes. Our biggest satisfaction is the love, faith and belief we had at the onset that it is possible. The tenacity crystallised and Valupaedia has become a reality. Our optimism is that valupaedia.com will serve you in realising and achieving the value you deserve.
We welcome you to our world of business valuation knowledge.
Dr. Bennet Kpentey (DBA, CVA, CPC)
Dr. Bennet Kpentey (DBA, CVA, CPC)

Dr. Bennet KPENTEY is a strategy and financial consultant as well as a credentialed business valuer. He is the founder and Chief Executive of Sync Consult, a management and financial consulting firm in Ghana. He has 25 years’ professional experience. Prior to establishing Sync Consult, he worked with Deloitte and Touché Tohmatsu and PricewaterhouseCoopers in management positions. At PricewaterhouseCoopers Africa Central (2000-2002), he served in management position with a key role in corporate finance services. Read More